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Don’t Ignore that you just Hit a Curb!

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Winter roads are slick in Rochester, and across New York. As you drive along snowy, icy roads this winter, use extra caution to remain in control of your vehicle to avoid slides and skids. At Vesa’s Automotive, we’ve seen many of our customers’ vehicles suffer damage from sliding into a curb on slick winter roads. Even though this seems like a small mistake, hitting a curb can have major impacts on your car. Don’t ignore it! Stop by our auto shop to have an inspection before small damage cau...
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3 Cat Litter Auto Myths – True or False?

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Kitty litter often makes an appearance in lists for auto emergency kits or winter safety tips – but why is this strange “tool” so popular? What is it for? Does it really work?Here, we address three “myths” about cat litter to help you stay safe on slick winter roads in Rochester, NY. Before you find yourself stuck (without cat litter), make sure your car can handle winter conditions – call our team at 585­242­2360. Myth #1 – Cat litter provides Traction TRUE! If your vehicle gets stuck in...
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Replacing your Timing Belt

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Changing your timing belt is NOT optional – but waiting until it breaks to address any issues is. And that is a risk you shouldn’t take. Most manufacturers recommend changing the timing belt at a specific mileage, usually between 90 and 105 thousand miles. But you should NOT wait until the last possible minute to have your timing belt replaced. Replacing it early can save you thousands of dollars. If your vehicle is due for a timing belt replacement, or to find out what your manufacturer recom...
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Spring Car Care Tips

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Spring has officially arrived in Rochester! But that doesn’t mean your vehicle is inthe clear – changing seasons means it’s time for maintenance to make sure yourvehicle will keep you safely and comfortable on the road through the spring andsummer.As we kick off National Car Care Month, here are 8 things you should check on your vehicle to prepare for spring:      Antifreeze Many people think of antifreeze only in cold months. But antifreeze (also known as coolant) also cools the engine in th...
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Oil Leaks can mean Big Problems

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The slippery puddle underneath your car means more than just a stain on your driveway. An oil leak can indicate a bigger issue, and left unattended can lead to serious problems for your engine.Engine oil is critical for the performance of your vehicle. As it moves through the engine, it keeps every moving part and component lubricated. Without the oil, friction and heat from these parts rubbing against each other cause premature wear and tear, corrosion, and damage to the engine components. At b...
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Exhaust System Components and Maintenance

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Your vehicle’s exhaust system is one of those things you don’t notice… until you do.Maybe you’ll smell leaking fluids. Or hear loud clicking and noises from the engine. Or see a billowing cloud of grey or green smoke lingering behind you on the road.When everything is working properly, you’ll hardly ever have a reason to think about the exhaust system in your vehicle.So what does the exhaust system do?The exhaust system is made up of your vehicle’s exhaust manifold, catalytic converter, m...
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Is Battery Corrosion Safe?

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As temperatures rise in Rochester, we’ve seen more and more customers coming in with failing batteries. One common culprit: Corrosion.Corrosion on your car battery can reflect normal wear and tear on your vehicle as the battery ages, but it can become worse with high temperatures in the summer months. And while it can be okay to see a small amount of corrosion at the terminal, large buildups can signal a problem.Causes of Battery CorrosionMost often, corrosion occurs on the battery terminals. T...
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If you want to make sure that your car reaches that 100,000 milestone and beyond, changing your engine oil on a regular basis is the least­expensive and most important maintenance task you can do. But with all of the engine oil types out there today, how do you pick the best one for your needs? Well never fear, Vesa’s Automotive is here! In part one of our blog series on oil types, we’ve used our expertise to give you a break­down of conventional and synthetic motor oil that will help steer y...
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Welcome one again to our mini­blog event on engine oil types! Last time we looked at both ends of the engine oil spectrum: conventional oil and full synthetic oil. Conventional oil gets the job done and is easy on the wallet, whereas synthetic oil it top­shelf but has a price tag to match, but where’s the middle ground? For that matter, what happens when your car starts to creep past 100,000 miles? Let us introduce the gap­bridging wonders: synthetic­blend and high­mileage motor oil!Synthetic ...
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Winter is Coming: Snow Tires vs. All-Season Tires

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As the snowy season looms on the horizon, a common question that consumers face is whether or not to swap out their regular tires for snow tires, and Vesas Automotive understands that this is a very valid question. Ultimately it comes down to a variety of factors that range from a person’s driving style to his or her geographic area, but there are certain things that every driver should consider before making an appointment with the tire garage.The Benefits of All­Season Tires As a general rul...
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Phone: (585) 242-2360
Fax: (585) 242-2363
Address: 1235 University Ave
Rochester, NY 14607
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